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The Dave & Tammy Year End Extravaganza

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David Temple:
Hello and welcome to the Thriller Zone. It's time for our year in extravaganza. Look who's here, Tammy Temple.

Tammy Temple:
Hi, so nice to be in your space, David Temple.

David Temple:
Yeah. And I'm loving your little, what did you call it, the Charlie Brown tree?

Tammy Temple:
Well, it's not really a Charlie Brown tree. I liked a Charlie Brown tree. This is a little micro live tree.

David Temple:
Okay. Well, I like it. And by the way, folks, just in case you're wondering, we are under the same roof. You're going to watch. For those who are watching, you'll really appreciate this. Wave.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
We're trying to, you know, with, uh, like I was talking to my buddy Anthony this afternoon and he said, you know, one thing about you temple, you're always mixing it up. It's always something changed in just a little bit. And I'm like, you know, you got to keep it fresh at all times. So anyway, happy holidays, everybody.

Tammy Temple:
And we've had this opening now eight times.

David Temple:
Maybe it's the fourth time. Yeah.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Anyway, so here's what we're gonna learn We told you in our promotionals that we were going to be doing the top five books films and TV shows However, because I'm not a rule follower Thank my church upbringing for that I've got top 10 books films and TV shows and I think my young Tammy wife Beautiful and talented as she is probably going to match me with that. Would that be fair to say?

Tammy Temple:
break in some rules.

David Temple:
Okay, good. Breaking the rules breaking the rules. We will be scattering some Christmas holiday music. I should say holiday music because I want to keep everybody happy because if I say Christmas then I might offend some people.

Tammy Temple:
Christmas person so

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and all the other smattering of holidays.

David Temple:
Yeah, I just go with the big old generic happy holidays. A lot of people go, dude, you're, you're leaving Christ out of Christmas. I'm like, Anyway, this is we're both sipping coffee. We were going to do cocktails, but the last time we did cocktails for a show.

Tammy Temple:
We've grown up a bit.

David Temple:
We went off the rails just

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
wee bit. Just a wee bit. All right, I wanna end with the top 10 books of the year because that is kind of what the thriller zone is all about. We intersperse shows, television shows and films because Tammy and I are huge content consumers. Wouldn't you say?

Tammy Temple:
That's a big pleasure in our household. We have a lot of dialogue around content.

David Temple:
Yeah, we have spent, we used to be the app, we used to be the cable people. Then we went to the apps only. And now we're back to the cable and apps because you can't have enough content. Now we have 256 channels and 10 apps. So I think

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
find a darn thing to watch half the time.

David Temple:
Do you folks have that problem at home? Same thing? Yeah. It's just crazy. And I can't decide, is it that it is not particularly good, our attention spans are getting shorter, or we're just always wanting a little bit more.

Tammy Temple:
There's a lot of supply out there, David, and with the supply can come watered down product.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
That's why when we find something great, like a couple of movies we recently watched, it's so powerful because it's back to the days of making an effort to go to the movie theater and watching something monumental and you walk away and you're just dumbfounded

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
by how good the production was, the actors were, it was a special treat and now I kind of feel that way. You know, we hold on to a few movies or TV series that are going to be released because they have that promise. They're just going to be so impactful and powerful.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And the rest of the time, you know, shows are good and decent, but it seems as though there are very few shows or movies that just stop us in our tracks.

David Temple:
Yeah. Nicely put. Would you like to start with shows or films? Cause we're going to end with books.

Tammy Temple:
Well, it's your show, so you drive the ship.

David Temple:
Well, thank you. I was just trying to be a gentleman and give you a choice. So you want to, you know, sorry, let's start with television shows. And I'm not doing, I numbered mine in, um, reverse order. So I don't, I don't guess it really matters. You want to do a countdown from 10 to nine on each one? Let's do that. Um, and, and I'll tell you what, so I'll, so I'll get things started with the television show and this is my number 10 as we make our Nate, uh, way to number one on the year end extravaganza on the thriller zone, I'm going to start off with number 10, which starts Sigourney Weaver called the lost flowers of Alice Heart.

Tammy Temple:
Oh, good call.

David Temple:
Remember that?

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
It was one of those times that you got to really see a different side of Sigourney Weaver that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Tammy Temple:
That's a good call.

David Temple:
Yeah. What's your number 10?

Tammy Temple:
I'm going to pull one out of the stratosphere and that one you didn't particularly get into it. I just don't think that you when I was watching it you were in the middle of a real busy period

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
but it is all the light we cannot see.

David Temple:
Oh, yeah.

Tammy Temple:
I really enjoyed that production.

David Temple:
Yeah. It's charming ish. Okay. Yeah. All right.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, it wasn't, yeah, like I said.

David Temple:
My number nine is something we both share. It is one of the few times that and I am not dissing on her because I think she's a spectacular actress. It's just that I have seen her act in so many things where she was just kind of stuck in this one what I call reaction. has this look of like, uh, like I'm standing on something that hurts my foot. That's just me. Carrie Russell starred in a show called the diplomat.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
That's my number nine.

Tammy Temple:
that, yes, that is on my list too. Nicely done.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And that's coming back.

David Temple:
Yes, that's what I hear. Well, because it was it was really good.

Tammy Temple:
It was good.

David Temple:
What's your number nine? And if you want to, however you want to do it, number nine.

Tammy Temple:
The crown.

David Temple:
Oh, god, great performances.

Tammy Temple:
Historical fiction, I really like historical fiction. I'm a buff. So I've enjoyed The Crown. I don't know, you know, how much is spot on and accurate, but I think they've done a really good job and I've enjoyed it.

David Temple:
All right. Now my number eight. I've got a little bit of commentary for each one. I know that comes as a surprise, folks. The original version of the show was led by a big movie star that a lot of people had a problem with as far as mainly stature. However, I liked him. But when the new actor came in by the lane and by the name of Alan Richson, the Reacher series. took on a whole new take. And there's something about Alan, I think it's the size of him. Part of it is the size, he's just a beast. And the part of it is he just, he feels like Reacher. Tom Cruise never really quite felt like Reacher to me.

Tammy Temple:
I'm enjoying that. I look at Reacher, Jack Ryan, was it the Night Agent?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
It's all kind of candy. You

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
know, it's good storytelling, there's some suspense. I'm not going to walk away from those series feeling heavy or it's not going to weigh on me for days. I think Reacher has been fun to watch. And we enjoyed that series last year. We're enjoying the second season as well. And yeah, I'm enjoying it.

David Temple:
Yeah, it reminds me of, and I have always been a Bosch fan, but it reminds me of this new Bosch legacy. The legacy is not quite in my opinion, not quite as strong as the original Bosch. And that's another one of those shows. You're like kind of candy ish, no popcorn, no real big substance. You're not gonna, you're not gonna walk away. heartened or torn apart. Good entertainment reminds me a lot of television series from the 80s and 90s. But anyway, so there's my number eight. What's your number eight?

Tammy Temple:
too, and I agree with you on that description.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
So I think you're right. It's, you know, those are some series that you can rely on for just good storytelling, easy to follow before you know it, the 30 minutes or 40 minutes or 60 minutes, whatever the format is over, and you want a little more. So I like those series. And I think this show could maybe fall into that. a little bit to the morning show.

David Temple:
Oh yeah.

Tammy Temple:
I have liked Jon Hamm being involved in this season. I was ready for it to end. I think they put a dot on the top of the I, or crossed the T, rather well. And if

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
this is where it is, and this is where it ends, I'm good with it.

David Temple:
your number eight? Gotcha. Okay.

Tammy Temple:
Or seven, wherever

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
we are.

David Temple:
My number seven is we're starting with seven here. So, it was nice to see this huge movie star come out of nowhere and do comedy because he's known for his drama, specifically adventure action. And he's teamed up with funny man, Jason Segel in a show I the bell, right? About a therapist? It was just so, so stinking good.

Tammy Temple:
Harrison Ford was phenomenal.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I missed that one and it would definitely make my list. I agree with you wholeheartedly and it's coming back and I'm really excited for next season.

David Temple:
Which you're number seven.

Tammy Temple:
Slow horses.

David Temple:
Slow I knew it and

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
I thought your slow horses were gonna be higher now folks here's a series That we have a little disparity in our home. I like the actors Uh, it's getting great reward awards It's just not for some reason sometimes you want to like it. It just hasn't hit me right, but boy you have really enjoyed it

Tammy Temple:
What is it now? I think it's the third season.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, again, it's good acting, a solid storyline. It's not buffoonish, it's

David Temple:
Thanks for

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
and I like it.

David Temple:
Well, the believability is, so you have these secret agents, so to speak. What's

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
or something.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
However, they're the slow horses in the bunch. They're the rejects of the MI5, so to speak. And it's led by Gary.

Tammy Temple:
I can hear you old man.

David Temple:
I got to give it to this guy. You can practically smell him from your living

Tammy Temple:
I know.

David Temple:
room by the way he dresses. expends certain activities as he goes. But.

Tammy Temple:
Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly.

David Temple:
Um, are we on number six?

Tammy Temple:
I have three left, so you might have to

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
give a few of yours.

David Temple:
Well, here's my number six and we both enjoyed it. This guy is a lead actor. I discovered him years ago. I personally think he would make a superb James Bond. It's Idris Elba in hijack.

Tammy Temple:
My research, I have to fire my research people because

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I've missed two great ones, shrinking and hijack. I wholeheartedly agree with you on hijack. And what hijacked, sorry. And what is one of the things that we talked about that was masterful?

David Temple:
Well, the fact that he's the whole thing takes place on an airplane in kind of real time.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
And he is just a it keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire series.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, I agree with you. They had what seven or eight episodes. It's a seven or eight hour flight and it was just perfect the way they pulled the story together. Well, I have to pick up some slack over here.

David Temple:
I'll go ahead and throw another one in since I'm ahead. Here's one that we both loved. Here's something that we didn't, when we first saw the premiere or the preview, we're like, uh, okay, yeah, ma, yeah, ma. But since we both really enjoy wine and there's no real actors in it, drops of God. Did I do

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
it three

Tammy Temple:
should just

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
walk away right now because I clearly have not done my homework.

David Temple:
Folks, why this is so funny is that she did her homework way ahead of me. I was doing mine like five minutes before the show and she was like, I've got my list. You want to see it? I'm like, no, it's okay. Let me know. So that's why this is so hilarious.

Tammy Temple:
That was a great, that was a really, really good series.

David Temple:
It was it was impeccable and you think to yourself, okay. Well, it's a story about Wine making okay, but it is And it gets you right up to the very last episode folks if you haven't seen it This is something you got to put on your list. It's called drops of god

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
And it is beautiful poignant powerful action ish lovely

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, great story and no shoot them up bang bang. You know, like no one's getting shot up by Uzis. There are no Molotov cocktails being thrown into windows. Like it literally is a pleasure to watch.

David Temple:
Yeah, that is so good. Yeah. All right. I think you've probably caught up. So I'm going to be coming up on number four. So. Oh,

Tammy Temple:
Go ahead with number four.

David Temple:
yes. So number four is something we mentioned earlier. And when I first the very first episode, I wasn't sure what I was going to think about it. But and the Third season, we'll get to it in a second, but you got two superstar actresses and then Jon Hamm joins the show and it's the morning show on Apple. And the first season was good. The second one, right, was kind of good. And then was it three seasons? Did we just finish the third?

Tammy Temple:
I think

David Temple:
Or is it

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
the second? Okay.

Tammy Temple:
Well, it would be at least the third.

David Temple:
All right. Either way it was, and the lead guy, the bat, the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
lead guy,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
who, who runs this TV station, has he's way more multi-dimensional than you originally thought.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
But John Ham adds something. And if, if you're not thinking Elon Musk, when you see John Ham, then you're not really paying attention. Great.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Great series. I got three more. So where are you? You want

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
have three more.

David Temple:
okay. So, uh, you want to go ahead and do your three or I'll do three.

Tammy Temple:
I'm gonna shoot out of the gate with your honor.

David Temple:
Beautiful. That's my number two. Tell me why.

Tammy Temple:
Good old fashioned storytelling, love Bryan Cranston. The development of the characters is believable. It pulls you in, it's engaging. I like the arc of how in the first season, the... You have Bryan Cranston and his side, and you have the gang dad on his side. And in the next season, it shows how the mother who's played by Hope Davis, how she rises, she becomes more strong, confident, dominant. And

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
she was always that silent, domineering figure in the background, but she came to life in this season. And I liked it. Again, like morning show, I think they've probably buttoned it up. Maybe the last frame of the series makes you wonder.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And we might have to put in a call to Joey to see if we can get them inside scoop, but your honor, hands down, great.

David Temple:
I was just gonna say we got to give a shout out to our buddy Joey Heartstone who did a book called The Local. He was on the show when he premiered, debuted, and I was so impressed with that book and then we've become friends and yeah, he owes us a little call because we keep threatening to go hang out in the backyard there in Los Angeles and talk about your honor, but boy, just a rock star television

Tammy Temple:
He might

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
say, pump the brakes, David. I'm on the other side of a rider's strike and a brand new baby, but maybe in 2024,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
we might actually

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
be able to get in front of him face to face.

David Temple:
Or honey, maybe he's just too big for us now.

Tammy Temple:
We can give him that too.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
He's a good dude.

David Temple:
All right. So my number three is a TV show that I had a very good gut feeling. There was going to be a hit. I don't know what it was. We turned it on the first time and I, I don't know if it was both of us. I know Tammy was doing a little bit of, I don't know. It feels kind of cheesy. I'm like, yeah, but hang on. Cause I think the cheese factor, pun intended. is going to add a little something to it. And you've seen her the lead as a kind of a Marvel star action hero. But Brie in Lessons in Chemistry, based upon an award-winning New York Times bestselling novel, is just superb.

Tammy Temple:
There are a couple things about lessons in chemistry. One is I love the fact that you acted with her in a movie. Remember the days?

David Temple:
Remember the days. Yeah.

Tammy Temple:
When she was just brand new on the scene.

David Temple:
She was brand new and it was funny, funny because we're just hanging out and, and you could tell there was something about her. You're like, I think she's going to be a star. And

Tammy Temple:
Well, there's always that rooting for her. I like

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
seeing how she's grown in commercials and movies. This series, completely delightful.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Hands down, again, easy escape, great storytelling.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
gets hurt.

Tammy Temple:
one's gonna come into the house with guns and ammo. And it's just sweet, lovely, delightful.

David Temple:
Yeah, it is a feel good television show, which I don't know if this makes me sound like I'm getting older or not, but I'm finding mine. I think about my buddy Rick Bly was who he says, you know, we don't really watch much violence in the home. And I say to myself, I can see why I kind of get that. And the funny thing about this show is now it, it really pulls you in. The characters are so deliciously crafted. Then there's one moment that just sucker punches you and blows your mind. And you think, how can that possibly happen? Only to go on. And I think I really love it for this reason, besides Brie being a delightful actress, is the power of the woman. That's what I really have dug and seen more and more of this happening. So kudos.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, and for the time.

David Temple:
Yeah. Which is the 50s. Let me jump in here and go my number two, which is your was your number three, which is your honor. So I'll get that out of the way for all the reasons we talked about. So now what's your number two?

Tammy Temple:
I have one left.

David Temple:
Okay. My number one is succession. What is yours? Yeah.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Big surprise there, folks. Probably one of the best television series in the last several years. One of those series that was, for some reason, had captured the psyche of America, not Americana, but the world, and pulled you in with these characters that just like seared your brain, right?

Tammy Temple:
It's so layered that we have watched the series over and over again from series one to up through current and every time we've watched it we've seen new things or we've seen a character unfold in a different way that we hadn't really noticed before. And I think that's because there's so much going on in each episode. I so loved Succession that I watched everything possible about it. I watched interviews with the... With the... crew, I listen to Kara Swisher's succession podcast. I love her. And she did a great job of interviewing the cast, but also weaving in current day stuff. So for example, If there was something that was showing in an episode about technology or about the digital transformation or media, she would have media experts come in and talk about the reality of, well, how true is the show to what's actually happening or what could be happening in the world? Kara Swisher is fantastic and the Succession podcast was awesome. So Succession, hands down.

David Temple:
There's our number one show of the year and I gotta tell you the lead of that care of that show has a phrase that is a little on the naughty side. There are a lot of my listeners who may not enjoy it. The other ones I'm going to share that with you if you haven't seen the show, but it's one of those phrases that just says it perfectly when you want someone to get out of your face. And yeah, so there you have it.

Tammy Temple:
Hey, there are a few series that are coming up that I also am interested

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
in watching. So, True Detective with Jodie Foster, that series

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
has always been really well done.

David Temple:
So good.

Tammy Temple:
That's coming out in January. Tokyo Vice is coming back. I was like

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
in COVID lockdown, and I ran through like all eight episodes or 10 episodes in a weekend. And then Ex-Pats with Nicole Kidman looks thriller high drama and that'll

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
come out I don't know when Tokyo Vice comes out. I know True Detective comes out in January and then Ex-Pats will be in Amazon Prime and that will come out the end of January.

David Temple:
All right. Well, folks, we're going to take a very short break. When we come back, we're going to move into our top 10 films of the year. So stay with us here for the continuation of the year and extravaganza with Dave and Tammy right here on the Thriller Zone.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
working okay, babe?

David Temple:
Everything is working great. Here comes the we'll be coming back from break. Do you have 10?

Tammy Temple:
I have movies,

David Temple:
Ten films.

Tammy Temple:
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten to talk

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
OK, so I'll start off unless you want to.

Tammy Temple:
No, you go ahead.

David Temple:
All right, here we come back. And welcome back to the Thriller Zone, David and Tammy Temple, and your year-end extravagance. Tammy would now like to sing her favorite Christmas music for you, her favorite Christmas carol. Go ahead, Tammy.

Tammy Temple:
Yes, if we want to scare everyone away from this podcast, I will start singing.

David Temple:
All right, top 10 films of 2023. I'll start with number 10. This was gritty and dark and what I would classify as my guilty pleasure. I have two guilty pleasures on this top 10, but this particular one, it was like something I had never quite seen before called Sisu. can't say the lead actor's name, but the guy is basically, it's World War I and he was, he could not, too, sorry, and he could not be killed.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, so Sisu was also on my list. I don't know if I numbered it 10 or seven, but Finnish World War II hero. He's feared by the Russians. He's immortal. He can't be killed by anything much less the SS. And... It's for sure an action genre. There's a little bit of a political statement in there,

David Temple:
Oh yeah.

Tammy Temple:
which I enjoy. And then there's a splash of female empowerment at the end.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
You definitely have to be in the mood and you have to be okay with in your face, just full frontal violence.

David Temple:
Yeah, this is not a movie that the kids won't watch or young kids. You only do that. Your your mother's mother-in-law is probably not going to enjoy it. Your grandmother's grandparents probably not going to enjoy it. But if you like really ultra violent movies, then you'll really get a kick out of this. What he does with shovels and blades is disturbing. and quite enjoyable. That's my number 10. What's your number 10, darling?

Tammy Temple:
I have a few what I would consider like candy type movies, just

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
you're gonna watch them because of either the actors or the, you know, historical piece. Like we waited forever for Mission Impossible. We completely love that series. And so I'm gonna say Mission Impossible.

David Temple:
Okay. Superb choice. And who doesn't like mission impossible? You know, we were talking about this. I have watched mission impossible since the, I'm going

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
the TV episodes, right?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
TV said, I want to say late sixties, early seventies. Don't hold me to that. But I mean way back then when all that secret agent stuff and all the tricks of the trade were, uh, So fresh and new and so I never can't I can't get enough of that My number nine is another guilty pleasure Tammy and I Tammy and I once Sat down. I think there are four of them Sat down and watched the first one got kind of addicted to it what rented the second one and I think by the time either The third or the fourth came along we said let's just buy the entire series cuz gonna watch them over again You know what's going to happen. You know who the lead guy is. You know exactly how the movie's going to end, but John Wick.

Tammy Temple:
I wondered if that was where you were going.

David Temple:
John Wick, I mean, Keanu Reeves just brings the heat constantly. And I think by number four, see what you think about this. By the time we got to number four, and again, I'm a big John Wick fan, but by number four, I felt myself felt myself going, OK. You just now pushed it a little bit too far because there's too many machine guns with 10 guys shooting at one guy and he's not getting hit, but he turns around. and he makes one shot and he gets them at a long distance. And sometimes that suspension of belief is, it's even too much for me to handle sometimes. But John Wick, there's my number nine.

Tammy Temple:
I like John Wick, the first and second one. I like the story. It was a good story. And there was a little bit of violence. The violence was secondary to the story. I think once we got into the third one, and for sure the fourth one,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I felt like I was inside of a video game.

David Temple:
Yeah. That's-

Tammy Temple:
You open up a door, and you know, all right, it's going to be three minutes of violence. We're going to have shooting. We're going to have, you

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
we're going to be

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
from here.

Tammy Temple:
we're gonna

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
have everything, you're gonna be impaled, and then boom, three minutes hits and now they've moved the story along. So that doesn't really appeal to me that much, but it was nice to just see where they took the story and if that's gonna be the end of it.

David Temple:
Yeah. You're number nine?

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Oh, yeah

Tammy Temple:
the Nike story with Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Rob Lowe was in, or Jason Bateman was in there, not Rob Lowe, Jason Bateman. I liked it.

David Temple:
Yeah, it didn't make my top 10, but it would have made a number 11. It was a good story. I think because there was a, I think what bothered me for some reason is correct me if I'm wrong, they never actually showed Michael Jordan, the character that was Michael Jordan. You never really saw him, did you? Per se. Yeah.

Tammy Temple:
like face on?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I don't

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
he, it

Tammy Temple:
I don't remember that.

David Temple:
seems like he was hidden from anyway. Good story. Nicely done. My number eight is something a little bit off the beaten path. I haven't chosen a lot of foreign films, but this one particularly got me, I think because it's, it was subtitled in Korean, directed by a Celine song. And it, and it started, the reason I watched it and we watched it was the, uh, the lead actress is someone from morning show that I really, really loved. And it's a movie called past lives. And it's just a sweet. powerful poignant movie about these two romance these two folks who fall in love and Kind of fall away and then come back together again and it's I don't want to give too much away because it's really it's so enjoyable and It's it's a little darling on the film circuit. So that's my number eight

Tammy Temple:
Past Lives made it to my list too. And one of the reasons why I liked it. is it just was like this lovely little roller coaster. You know, no real highs, no real lows, but you just kind of went along through the movie and the story. And even at the end, you and I sat and talked about it, I think for an hour, like you shared where you thought the story was going, what she was feeling, what hurt. Well, what the other couple of characters were feeling, I shared my perspective. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Past lives, and I think it was on Apple.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Am I up?

David Temple:
You're a number eight.

Tammy Temple:
Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret.

David Temple:
Oh, yeah, on my list. Oh, such a sweet, sweet movie.

Tammy Temple:
I never read, I wasn't a Judy Blume person. I never read her books and I hadn't read this book. I really enjoy all of the actors in the movie and it was just, again, super pleasant. You

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
know, you didn't have a emotional hangover after watching it. You just, you were along for a nice ride.

David Temple:
Yeah, it was enchanting. That's the word that comes to my mind. The lead actress was just enchanting and a coming of age story and just warm and delightful and humorous. And I think it's something you should add to your list, folks.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
All right. My number seven is something that I, I kind of went kicking and screaming on this one. I was like,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
yeah, I don't know that I'm going to like this, honey. Uh, I'm not sure I'm really going to get into it. And it was one of those movies that we said, okay, we have to watch this before our year end extravaganza.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
So we

Tammy Temple:
I think

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
you think.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
and Barbie starring the lovely, um, of course,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
the minute.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Margot Robbie and the other lovely Ryan Gosling was, and I think the reason I liked it, sure it was great candy bubblegum to look at, but boy, the underlying message is so strong and palpable. I mean, women power unite for crying out loud.

Tammy Temple:
Barbie was on my list too. I wanted to watch it because of all of the commentary. You definitely have to be in the mood. It's not a traditional setting.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
It made me think about how did this whole creation come to life for Greta?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And I loved her movie. Something a lady... shoot.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I love

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Hang on a second. Let me get it for you. Cause that's what editing is for her name again is.

Tammy Temple:
Greta and the movie was Lady Bird.

David Temple:
Lady Bird, Lady

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Bird, yeah, love

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
that movie.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Had that same sense of coming of age about that one.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, and funny and yes, I would say something we all experience in our households as we were breaking away from our families. So as it relates to Barbie, I listened to a really good interview with the director and creator, Greta Gerwig, I think is her name,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
on SmartList.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And she gave a lot of backstory and background about this actor or actress definitely has to be in, like where some of the impetus came from for the actual movie. And I'm glad we watched it.

David Temple:
Yeah. And if you haven't had a chance, check out, speaking of a great podcast is smartless. My number, let's see. So my number six is Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. So we can just skip on ahead of that, but that was just a flat out charming movie. So what is your six?

Tammy Temple:
Well, I'm down to four because we've talked about some of mine were consistent with yours.

David Temple:
Oh, okay. So you're doing that way. So all right, then I'll jump ahead to my five, which is Top Gun Maverick. Great popcorn movie.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
The first Top Gun. Seminal piece, we were all there talking to Jack Stewart right there at your table. Just weeks ago, a Top Gun fighter pilot telling us that the whole reason he went into the service. in that particular mode was because of that movie. So it was really fun to be able to relive that movie talking to Jack as we enjoyed and talked about Maverick. So yeah, I mean, if everyone and probably in the world has seen Maverick by now, but just a fantastic popcorn movie.

Tammy Temple:
I like that movie too, I agree, just popcorn.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
You can,

David Temple:
your get lost in it. Yeah.

Tammy Temple:
yeah. So I have four left, how many

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
do you have left?

David Temple:
I have four. So my number four is, and here's another one that I thought it and I'm gonna, I'm gonna get a little heat for this for saying this particular phrase of, I thought it was a chick flick. However, but I knew that with the two stars in it, I was going to really enjoy it because I'm a huge fan of Annette Bening and Jodie Foster with so the movie is NIAID about the gal who swims the from Florida to Cuba,

Tammy Temple:
vice versa.

David Temple:
Cuba to Florida. I knew it was one way or the other, depending on which way the current's going. But

Tammy Temple:
Not really, but

David Temple:
no, just

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
a spectacular,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
heroic film.

Tammy Temple:
That was my number four as well. I really enjoyed it. And I remember when she, Diane, I think it's Diana or Diane, had a successful crossing, if you wanna describe it

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
that way. And all of the news reports, and I thought at the time, I could not imagine. the training, enduring what she went through to swim for, what was it, two and a half days? Like two and a half days straight. Great story, well done. Annette Benning, Jodie Foster are believable and I would definitely recommend it.

David Temple:
We're inside the movie. She is almost to her destination. And because of things that happen, I don't want to spoil it for you, but things that you would imagine would happen in the water in route, uh, south to north was, uh, unnerving and, uh, you would think any average bear would give up. And yet she didn't. And the rest is history, but spectacular movie. My number three is something another movie that we saw recently and probably the longest movie I've seen in a long time starring two ginormous movie stars. Yes, it stars a lot many more actors but DiCaprio and De Niro and Killers of the Flower Moon. Wow! What an eye-opening And of course we knew a lot of that history, but I didn't know it to the degree that we learned it. And it was, and the three plus hours actually, except for maybe at one point, was not cumbersome, was it, babe?

Tammy Temple:
No, we were definitely in the mood to be entertained. So we weren't antsy. We kind of knew what we were in for. We planned to watch the movie and I thought it was very well done. Unbelievable some of our history and behaviors.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
It's incredibly tragic. But I think they did an incredible job of sharing the story.

David Temple:
To your point of tragedy, it is, and I'm not going to go off on a soapbox here except to say this, it is a shame that we as Americans, as a world, have treated certain groups of people a certain way. It just blows my mind and it's heartbreaking. Again, there's two sides to every argument. We've done this. with different ethnicities and different religions all throughout time. And, uh, it's sad. And I think it's worth watching the movie to really fully appreciate some of those very things and kind of the ignorance behind so much of it, but a spectacular performance, you can be sure it's going to clean up at the Oscars.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, I'm interested to see how the Oscars and you know, just the award shows unfold.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
There's a lot of good content out there and a lot of powerful content. And I think I'll just zip it when it comes to political commentary, because I always have a few things to say and this just isn't the format for it.

David Temple:
Yeah, yeah, it's a holiday year and extravaganza and we're down now to the last two and I bet you dollars to donuts that we've got the same last two may or may not be in the same order but since I'm leading here I'll go with number two starring a guy that I got a little bit of a man crush on because the guy is not only gorgeous but and I and I knew he was a great Actor we've known he's a great actor for a long time whether it's comedic or serious and he's done more serious I think than comedic although he made a buttload on one particular franchise of comedy But when I saw him in a star is born When I learned that he had taken the time of research to learn how to sing and write and so forth but to be able to act and direct a film as powerful as Maestro about Leonard Bernstein It is probably one of the most fascinating, beautifully crafted. Thinking persons movie I've seen in a while

Tammy Temple:
I agree. And that was my number two. I mean, number one and number two could be interchangeable here. I thought it's amazing. Just flat out. stunning performance. I did not know the history of this individual and his family. I think we watched a couple of interviews on CBS this morning, maybe 60 minutes. I listened to a podcast with Carey Mulligan and I mean Bradley Cooper is an incredible talent. When you think about his acting ability, he talked about spending six years and learning how to conduct. you know, going into character and staying in character.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Just a great movie.

David Temple:
Yeah, not only does he have the tonality and the gestures and the body language, but when he goes to direct the orchestra, you would believe that he's done it his whole life, number one. Number two, one of the few times that you really get to see an actor disappear. I mean, he literally just disappeared into this character. Part of that is because of makeup. Part of it is because you're so caught up in the story. But we grew up, my household, we grew up listening to classical music my whole life. So, big fan of Leonard Bernstein, and London Philharmonic and all that stuff. So when I saw this, and again, I'm with you, Tammy, I did not know that much about his personal life, did not know that he was quite the tyrant, if you wanna use that word, as he was, but boy, just. And my favorite part, This is when you know you're really onto something. His directing, the visual, the visuals of this. We heard the same podcast with Carey Mulligan. That was interesting. But then I watched this little feature with Spike Lee. And Spike Lee was basically practically bowing to Bradley saying, this is one of the most amazing films I've ever seen. He goes, I've seen it three times, one of which was At Your Home with You. And he goes, it was just an amazing performance. Yeah, okay. But your directing has skyrocketed since Starsborn. I was just, whoa.

Tammy Temple:
Did you feel that Leonard was a tyrant? Is that who you're describing as

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
a tyrant?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Well, he had quite a bit of anxiety in his life. Now we're down to number one film of the year. And I bet you a lot of folks may share this number one. It is a big movie. It's another long movie. It's about a moment in time that has kind of changed the landscape of both politics and health, et cetera. And all I ever have to say, when it comes down to me sometimes, all you gotta do is tell me who the director is. And I know I'm in this particular director, Christopher Nolan, anything he does, I love. So it's Oppenheimer about the guy who created the bomb. And wow.

Tammy Temple:
I agree, I thought that was an incredible performance, great movie. I did not know a lot of the backstory, building up to how the bomb was developed. I don't remember any of that from history classes. So as an adult, it was very interesting to... to learn a little bit more about that background. And then of course, what happens is you and I watch that movie and we end up

David Temple:
And that's

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
the reason we're

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
getting backstory

David Temple:
that for you.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
that. Thanks

Tammy Temple:
I guess that's

David Temple:
for joining

Tammy Temple:
one of the

David Temple:
us. We're

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
going to have a

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
little bit more

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
a conversation

Tammy Temple:
a solid performance

David Temple:
before we get to the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
of the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
session. That's

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
you. And we'll

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
you next

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
and the data to just... learn even more about what was happening during that time period.

David Temple:
There's one thing that happened in the film that I caught myself going, really folks? Do you not know what an atom bomb has the potential to do when they're setting way back off the distance and they're

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
putting some kind of a lotion on their face to protect and they're wearing sunglasses and hope I don't get, you know, my eyes get burned or, you know, it's atomic forces coming at you and their hair is blowing. Anyway, so there's that little moment. I'm like. Where's the stupidity factor? However, they did not know at the time, but what a spectacular Christopher Nolan. I mean, I've said folks, we're going to take another quick short break. And when we come back, we've got our top 10 books of 2023. And Tammy and I are going to share a little extra something. I don't know how you've broken your list down, honey, but I have, uh, I have a little bit of an ancillary thing built into mine. So I got my top 10. I also have, um, A best debut. I came up with the best debut because I've talked to so many debut authors this year that I just was really taken with it. And then I have one for most original. But anyway, folks, yes.

Tammy Temple:
documentaries as well.

David Temple:
Documentary films? Oh, well I didn't have that listing on my list. So would you like to do that real quick? How many do you have?

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
time. Okay, so we won't take a break just yet. Let's go ahead and let's hear your top five documentaries. And I'm sorry, but I don't have any.

Tammy Temple:
That's all right because you watched the majority of these with me and you'll have some feedback. Last year we talked about documentaries. Some of the political documentaries led the way for us. This year we watched The Pigeon Tunnel about David Cornwell.

David Temple:
China, Korea.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, that was on Apple and that was... really interesting to hear about his background and what how he was raised and what was brought into his writing like his life experience and his family. I thought it was very well done.

David Temple:
Loved that. Big fan of the author, big fan of that documentary maker. Yes. What's number four?

Tammy Temple:
Carlos Ghosn, The Last Flight. This is about the auto exec, the CEO president of Nissan, Renault. Remember when we watched that?

David Temple:
Oh yeah!

Tammy Temple:
So he's imprisoned in Japan. He escapes to Lebanon through a music equipment case. Do you remember this?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
concert boxes.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
So as you watch this, This guy goes from victim to villain, victim to villain, and

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
back again all throughout the series. I thought it was really well done. It was interesting to hear again

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
the backstory. on how all of that came to be, because we certainly saw it in the headlines as this guy escapes, but I didn't, I wasn't really following his story when he was imprisoned in Japan and all of that. I just remember him escaping. And then... You know, it provoked a lot of discussions between the two of us about this guy, his behavior, how he ultimately treated people who helped him. And yeah, so I would definitely recommend that. We also watched still Michael J. Fox's documentary.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
I didn't see that one. You were watching it. I think I came

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
in at the very tail end of it. I would like to see it though, but you really were taken with it.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, again, it's like a peek into somebody's life that, you know, we've watched this individual rise.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I mean,

David Temple:
he was a kid.

Tammy Temple:
I think he's just a few years older than I am. So,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
you know, to see his life transform. And I'm sure as a public person, it's very hard to live your life in certain parts of your life in the public eye. No doubt even harder in the last 15 years with the internet and social media. Like it would just be

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
horrible to go through hardships and have it painted all over media. But

David Temple:
Number two.

Tammy Temple:
I found that documentary really well done.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
And then 20 Days in Maripol, it's about the Ukraine and Russian war. I think I watched that too when you were knee deep and like editing for podcasts. We are huge supporters, again, not to be political, but we're huge supporters of the Ukraine effort. And

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
so it's... You know, just seeing the reality of what is happening in that country is very interesting

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
to me. And then we paid attention to a couple of documentaries, like one stupid sex cult in, like I think it was outside of Albany in New York. And then,

David Temple:
Mother God, was that the one?

Tammy Temple:
oh, that is this one that I'm gonna talk about. Love Has Won the Cult of Mother God, I think. both of these, you and I kind of dipped our toe in the water and looked at each other and said, WTF, like there's

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
no way in how we'll spend time going down this rabbit hole.

David Temple:
I think it's because I grew up in it my whole life. So a lot of the church religion scene I was in was so cultish anyway. So when I saw that I just kind of cringed and kept moving through. Although I did catch a couple of really zany moments and I'm looking at it going, yeah, that's even dumber than what I saw. So yeah.

Tammy Temple:
Ha ha like the documentary side and so I'm curious to see how everything will unfold during award season on documentaries.

David Temple:
Yeah. And is that wrap your documentaries

Tammy Temple:
That's it.

David Temple:
in? Okay,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
cool. Folks, we're going to take a short break. When we come back, we're going to get to that book list, top 10 books of 2023, right here on the Thriller Zone. Stay with us. One second.

Tammy Temple:
It's coming to me So we'll

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
do the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
little warm

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
fuzzy what

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
grateful for

David Temple:
for this

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
kind of thing.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
of thing. Okay.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
button to

David Temple:
at the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
of the

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Perfect. Sound

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Bum bum bum. And we're back here on the year end extravaganza with Dave and Tammy on the Thriller Zone. It's been a good one so far. Thank you for your input, darling. So good.

Tammy Temple:
You're welcome. Yeah, I always enjoy this.

David Temple:
Now. been a year of content. TV shows, movies, as we've mentioned, and books. This is the hardest for me because I have a wall stacked full of books. I've got a storage department, compartment that is stacked full of books. And to mention your favorite books is like saying is like having six children and going, well, these are my top three favorites. It's nearly impossible to do. So all I can do is pick 10 that really hit me. Now, what did I say this year? Well, we're at about 162 episodes as of now. We're wrapping our sixth season. 2024 will kick off season seven, hard to believe. But in that, so if you figure four a month, so I've done about a little bit more this year. So, it's hard to boil it down when there's so much good stuff, but I'm going to do my best. Right?

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
All right, I'm going to start off with number 10, which is a guy who came out of nowhere. And I remember I saw him on a YouTube video sitting down to read an excerpt from his debut novel and I thought there's something about this guy. Maybe it was that he's cool and he's from the south where I'm from, although he's from Arkansas and I'm from North Carolina. Maybe it's the fact that I had beard envy because he has one of the handsomest beards on the planet. But then you read the book, Ozark Dogs, and you realize that Eli Kranor is one of the master craftsmen of our time. It is gonna be a star for some time to come.

Tammy Temple:
I remember you talking about Eli and his work.

David Temple:
just a stunning, stunning book. You thought Don't Know Tough was good? I think, yeah, Ozark Dogs is better. Bae, what's your number 10?

Tammy Temple:
You know, I approached books differently than you did. And I think understandably, like this is the feeder for the podcast. So, you know, I pulled out books that I personally enjoyed whether it was, you know, we were able to do a little more traveling this year. So

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
it entertained me as we were flying to and from different places. So why don't you keep going and I'll chime in. I think I have a few to talk about, but I don't have 10.

David Temple:
Okay, gotcha. So my number nine came from a guy that I met He's a texas boy and when I read this book it reminded me of something that well, hmm I don't really like to do comparisons much because Takes away from it. Let's just put it this way this guy grabbed me from page one And just bounced me all over the place like a ricochet Taylor Moore.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Yeah, good book. That's

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
my number. That's my number nine. I'll keep going with number eight.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Now, I had heard this from this, about this author. I'm embarrassed to say that I had not read her work. I had heard that she was quite a force to be reckoned with. I started following her on social media and then I somehow started digging into her work and I went... I got to find out more about this, so I reached out to publicity and so forth, and they sent me a copy of a book by Megan Abbott called Beware the Woman. And I got to tell you something, that was a page-turner. Talking about a book that blends literary fiction with the thriller genre, so you could call it literary thriller, it was... She has, she has a magical way with sentence structure, like very few people I've read remarkable books. Uncomfortable pause here.

Tammy Temple:
Keep going.

David Temple:
Keep going. All right. Number seven is from a guy that has been on the show once or twice, maybe three times, but twice for sure. He wrote a book. When I mentioned the title, you're going to have images conjured up instantly. Happens to be one of my favorite movie franchises. And this guy delivers with the book, The Born Defiance, the author, Brian Freeman. I could I did not want that book to end flat out paste like a rocket ship.

Tammy Temple:
I remember that podcast and he's such a nice guy too.

David Temple:
super nice.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, really nice guy, talented author.

David Temple:
Yeah, you may keep going. All

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
right. Now we're down to number six. Now here's another guy that I had not read before. I was aware of his reputation. He and his brother are prolific writers. He is a mainstay. I call him a legend and he's written me about that ever since. Written, not written. And we've made a joke about it. I got to see him face to face at Bauschere Con and he's this charming. and lovely and hilarious as you can possibly imagine. The thing that strikes me the most is his graciousness. I mean, this guy is a rock star. We're talking about Lee Goldberg and he's a rock star and he doesn't act like it. You'd think, oh, he's not gonna do that. He's not gonna promote that. He's not gonna help that. And he does all of that and then some. And I'm most impressed with this particular book, Malibu Burning. I love a heist story. and he delivers this thing as tight as a drum keeps going forward and just great characters. Kudos to Lee Goldberg number six.

Tammy Temple:
I remember when you did that interview too, and you hung on that for a while. Just, there are some people that you walk away from that leave you with such a great feeling, and he was one of those interviews.

David Temple:
Yeah, just

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
a good dude.

Tammy Temple:
I think I could jump in now, maybe on a couple.

David Temple:
Oh, go ahead.

Tammy Temple:
One of the books that I read, I think we were flying somewhere and I couldn't put this book down and it was literally reading it across the country. And then I had like a day where I just finished the book, devoured the book, drowning with TJ Newman.

David Temple:
Also my number five, right,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
just like you, I just, you can't stop turning the pages.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, I really enjoyed her book falling. I enjoyed her book drowning, obviously. And there's certain, like I would continue picking up her work, especially if I'm in that setting where I wanna be distracted, I want a good story, and I'm going from point A to point B, and this is something that's gonna, it'll be a nice escape.

David Temple:
Yeah. And talking about a gal who came out of nowhere, flight attendant who is scribbling notes on her cocktail napkins. She has a great story by the way. And big kudos to Shane Salerno in the story factory who has become not only friends of ours, but also a supporter of the show. And so a special extra little special love there, but yeah, TJ just, you know, you thought, you thought there's no way you could top drowning and then she comes or falling and then she comes out with drowning and you're like, You did it. I mean, spectacular story.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, it was well done.

David Temple:
And gonna be a movie.

Tammy Temple:
You want me to keep going?

David Temple:
Yeah, well, you're on a ride, man.

Tammy Temple:
The other book that I read, and this was another cross country leg that we did, All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landy.

David Temple:
Blender, yeah.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
it was really good.

David Temple:
He's a great writer.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, that was haunting.

David Temple:
Yeah. He would be my number 11. I had a list off on the side. Like if you had a little extra juice in you that there's something about that. Haunting is a great word, babe. That is wow. Yeah. I remember

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
you. Yeah. You're on the you're on a flight. We were going out to see, I want to say, was it going to see mom and yeah. Anyway, you were, you

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
were, you were

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
it. Yeah.

Tammy Temple:
and I fin- it was another one that I just sat there and finished within 24 hours after landing. There is another one. This might be an edit, but it was, um, the, she was an attorney. She is an attorney in Seattle. Her dad is also an attorney. He is, um, he's an alcoholic and, um, she gets a case from a about a woman was murdered. And so the husband, of course, is the focus of the investigation. And it was the chess component was a big part of the story and how the story.

David Temple:
Bob DiGoni.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, Bob

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
DiGoni, yeah.

Tammy Temple:
That is another book that I really enjoyed. Again, cross country flight.

David Temple:
Yeah, you know, babe, you now you caught me because I forgot about that. And when I was doing my list, that was such a powerful book. Great, great character studies reminded me of like, I don't know why. Do you remember what was that Paul Newman movie where he played the attorney?

Tammy Temple:
Absence of malice.

David Temple:
Absence of malice, it remind for some reason, something about that

Tammy Temple:
Uh huh.

David Temple:
reminded me of that, but a spectacular book. Amazon book. I'm going to jump in here with number four, my number four, which is a guy who wrote a book. He's written a couple of books. He's written several books. Another shout out to Story Factory, because he is one of their stables of talent. But I remember when November Road came out, I thought Lou Bernie, when it came out, I was like, wow, this is magnificent. I'm like, you know, what has he got up his sleeve next? And we were all sitting around waiting for his next book. Then Dark Ride comes out. And at first I'm like, well, this isn't really kind of a thriller. It's but boy, talking about a character, a lead character, hardly was his nickname that you cannot forget. You you don't forget his you just don't forget this character. I'm going to pull up them.

Tammy Temple:
Well, and how the nickname is so apropos for the background of this character. You know, he's hardly giving any effort in

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
life. So it was very clever, Lou.

David Temple:
Yeah, just a great Lou Bernie. You did it again, buddy. And

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
that has got to be made. That will be made into a movie. If Shane Salerno has anything to do with it, you can be sure.

Tammy Temple:
That was a good podcast too. He

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
really, he was just so, Lou was really participatory. You know, sometimes you get people on the show and you. you have a sense of, oh, I wonder if they're like quiet and an introvert, and you're going to have to pull information out of them. And I kind of thought that might be Lou, but then once you got him on, he's totally different than what I thought he was going to be.

David Temple:
and a sense of humor.

Tammy Temple:
Yes, that's it. Gregorius

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
and yeah.

David Temple:
I don't know if he drinks or not, but boy, I'd love to sit down with him

Tammy Temple:
I'm sorry.

David Temple:
over a couple of beers or a bottle of wine or a couple of little fingers of whiskey or bourbon, because I'd like to see him get loosened up a little bit and really let it ride. He makes me laugh. As we were talking about, look at the people who've been on the show, Don Winslow, TJ Newman. Lou Bernie and I'm thinking what would the chances of me speaking of Shane Salerno? I would love to get him on the show You know we do agents and so forth and publishers and I'm like he would be a fun character

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Interview anyway, that is my four. Are we down to number three now you're down to your number three

Tammy Temple:
Sure. I read some of Don Winslow's work this year, and that was City on Fire and City in Ruins.

David Temple:
Sitting Ruins is I think coming out next.

Tammy Temple:
Wait, wait, then City on Fire,

David Temple:
of dreams.

Tammy Temple:
City of Dreams.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Sorry. My style of reading or what I'm interested in are generally gritty series, a big thick book with a lot of depth and a lot of character. And I'd want to live in it, not just for one book, but give me a series of six books or three heavy duty books, and I am one happy girl. So when Don came out with this trilogy, I didn't read the book that came out last year. I waited until the spring, until the second book came out. And I sat down and plowed through those two books. I'm excited to see what happens with Danny in the next book,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
but I'm also excited to see if Danny comes to life on the silver screen.

David Temple:
pretty good feeling that it's going to happen. And I'm with you. City on Fire was spectacular. And I thought, I wasn't really quite sure. This sounds stupid for me to say. I could, didn't know if Don could top that one, but of course he can. And he did with City of Dreams, which is my number two. But Don, the one thing about Don, yeah, okay. I got to, you know, he's my hero and I love his books, but boy, he's got, he's got a way of telling stories. And the only thing that breaks my heart is the fact that after City of Ruins, he's retiring. Supposedly retiring at the end of that series come April of next year, but we'll see. Let me jump back real quick with my number three before we go to your number one. But my number three, speaking of the Goldberg brothers, and come to find out with an interview that you heard, just heard on Monday with Todd Goldberg, gangsters don't die. I saw Todd hanging out with his brother, Ed Bauschere Khan here in San Diego this past summer. And when I, he was out there, you know, pimping gangster, don't die. He handed me a copy. He said, here, read it. I'm like, okay, it sounds good. Cause I love mobsters. Couldn't put this book down, dude.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
yeah. Number three on my list. One of the top three favorite books of this year, just nonstop. And then as we were talking, as you heard on Monday or Tuesday, when we were talking, I, you know, I said the way. The way you tell stories and your character development is so cerebral and so magnificent and strong and palpable. I'm like, I got a half of a hankering to go back and get my MFA from UC Riverside as long as you're going to be the professor. And then he told me what the price was. And I'm like, maybe I won't be doing that. But anyway, number three goes to gangsters don't die. Number two goes to city of dreams down in Winslow. And now we're down to Tammy's number one.

Tammy Temple:
going to toss this out to a good friend of ours, Chris Hoddy, Devil You Know. And Chris reminds me of how I speak about Meg Gardner.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Um, both of these writers are intellectual writers. They have great story. They have great character development. Um, just give me book, like I'll go back and I will read Chris's earlier work because I didn't do that. I just jumped into the story. But I just think that he's, first of all, he's a fun and fascinating guy and I just, I love him. And so, you know, to be able to read his work and enjoy his work and like the way he crafts a story, it was just a delight to see what he's like as a professional and read his work. And I thought it was fantastic. So Chris Hottie is my number one dude.

David Temple:
For those who don't know Chris Hawty, like we've gotten to know him, he's probably one of the funniest guys on the planet. There's only one guy funnier in my opinion, and that's my old friend Mike Gross. And one of these days, I'm going to get Mike on the show just for the kicks and giggles of it.

Tammy Temple:
Well, he could give some input around TV series and production, that's for sure, considering

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
his line of work.

David Temple:
Well, so interesting that you'd pick Chris Hawdy. Now, I because I have an absolute obsession with ties and this, that and the other. I actually and I'm a big Haley Schilfela fan. I have a tie for number one.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
And it's a tie between Chris Hawdy and if it was just by a microscope and he's gonna he's gonna kick me for this. I know. But my number one favorite So he's my one B, but my one A is the Spy Coast by Tess Garretson.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Yeah. And I think you've heard me talk about

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
this. I have been raving about this since the minute I read it. I could not, I'm getting tired of that cliche. I keep saying it. Couldn't put the book down. I kept turning the pages either way. It's about retired spies on the North coast of Maine. And it's just one of those. Absolutely. perfectly balanced stories between character, enough intrigue with no real serious action. The thrill is in the ride more than the gun, so to speak. But just Tess Gerritsen, of course I had known of her, had never really read her. It's the kind of book when you finish reading it, and I told her this on the podcast a few weeks back, I said, Tess, now I've gotta go back. So thanks for devouring all my time. and go read all your other books because it made me go, this craftsmanship is so magnificent. Anyway, I'm gonna gloat too much, but that's my number

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
and you talked about Todd Goldberg in that same way with his work.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
it's fun for me when you step out of these conversations, it's how you feel, like you take on the energy of this podcast. And so when you walk out the door and... You just have your feedback to share about the podcast, and then I'm watching you read these books, and I hear you share with me, I hear you share the story and how much you're enjoying it. And there aren't a lot of people that you will say, I'm going to go back and read their earlier work. So when you make that comment, it's significant.

David Temple:
Yeah. And the reason I say that and it's gonna, it's not a suck up and it's, I only have, I don't know about you honey, but I only have 24 hours in a day. And you know, it's, if I'm, I'm doing either one or two podcasts a week, so I'm reading at least two books a week. So, and I'm trying to stay ahead of the curve. So if I'm doing debut authors and rock star top sellers of all time, It's kind of hard to go back into back catalogs. Um, so I saved the back catalogs for vacations I heard that word once. I don't know exactly what a vacation

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
is I'm gonna look it up on websters or something a little bit later, but Anyway, so there's my top 10. I do have a best debut

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
However, it's a three-way tie So you're gonna have to bear with me a second. These are the three These are three debuts of this year, 2023. It happens to be three guys. So gals, I'm sorry, these are just the three that stand out in my brain that I'm like, Oh, my goodness, these are I want to come up the debut because there's, there's so many great debuts. I want to do more of those. But I'm like, I only got so much time. I don't know why I have to keep explaining all that. But so number one in the three way tie is Unknown Rider by Jack Stewart. There's a Top Gun pilot who tells it like it is been there, done that Mach one rocking it. Number two, the bitter past by Bruce Borges. For some reason that was one

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
of the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
most palpable, memorable books I've read this year. And

Tammy Temple:
I remember you talking about Bruce. Yeah.

David Temple:
yeah. And then number three, another book that I'm like this guy, if he can write the next three books, as good as his debut, he's going to be a certifiable rock star. You can say this about all three of these guys, but that one, that phrase pops out of my mind when I talk about T.R. Hendrix and the book, The Instructor. So not only was that a good read, it took me to school. I'm a boy scout. I was nearly an Eagle Scout and he taught me a few things that you can use in survival that I did not know. And I'm taking them with me. There you go. One more quick thing. Only because...

Tammy Temple:
It's your show. Take all the time you need, David.

David Temple:
Thank you, honey. I have a book, one category for most original. And when I say most original, it's a, it's, it has to do with the genre that I don't read a lot of. It's a very particular voice. It's a very particular characterization. It's a time, a place in time. And it is Rick Blywise, Murder and Hacksford. It does help maybe that he's endeared himself to me. We've, Developed a nice little friendship, but he writes cut. Do you remember this TV show? I got you turned on to I grew up watching this TV show on public television called all creatures great and small

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
I Got you caught up onto that world in the newer season. That's kind of Hercule Perot

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
reminded that if you took Hercule and like all creatures great and small

Tammy Temple:
Thanks for

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
kind of got Rick Laiwise again family fun, good, mystery storytelling.

Tammy Temple:
I remember you talking about, he has a couple of books like that, doesn't he?

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
number two is number three. Let's do this because I know you and me, we have a list. I've got a stack sitting right here on my floor. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven books that these are books that I'm either they're right in my queue for 24 or there. So there are things that I'm anticipating or there are books that I wanted to squeeze in this year. that I couldn't quite get to, and I'm gonna read maybe over the holidays with my free time. I don't know what the balloons mean. Did you see that? It does it again. I don't know how it's gonna do.

Tammy Temple:
That's awesome.

David Temple:
Yeah, but let's do that. Cause I know you got a couple, you've been, you're looking forward to some things. Shoot me a couple of yours.

Tammy Temple:
of books?

David Temple:
Yeah, don't like your Meg.

Tammy Temple:
Yeah, I tend to lean towards if we're just at home and I'm looking to read something, I lean towards more of like nonfiction work or like the newspaper

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
or topical stories. That's where I tend to go on a day to day.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
If we're going to travel or if we're out of town, then that's usually when I have the opportunity. And maybe it's just bandwidth in my mind. You know, my headspace can only, I only have so much Ram Drive left, David. But I really enjoy Meg Gardner. I'm interested in reading even more of her unsub series. And I know that she's coming out with a book in January. Chris Hottie is, maybe he will have something new that's gonna come out in the new year or in the next or in the near future. Let's put it that way. I'll read anything that he puts out there. And then kind of speaking to my earlier comment about I really enjoy. Well, historical fiction was what I read predominantly for years. And then, you know, that kind of switched. Life just turned and I don't have that opportunity to fall into that too much anymore. But I have held these particular books out there and I will make it there one of these days. But I'm really interested in reading Don Winslow's cartel. the border, power of the dog. That work really feeds to my interest. It feels non-fictional, docudrama-ish. And I would say between Chris and Meg and Dawn, I probably have my hands full for the next couple of years on our travels.

David Temple:
Well, I can tell you have a very handsome bookshelf. It's actually right behind you where a stack of those people that you'd like to read

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
what's it be over there?

David Temple:
currently living, so I know where you can go. All right, here's three quick books that I have yet to read. Books I have yet to read that's on my to-do list. Weapons Grade by Don Bentley, carrying on the Tom Clancy timeline. The Peacock and the Sparrow by Ayes Barry

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
got a chance

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
to speak with her briefly at Bauscher Con. It was like a 15-minute conversation, but her,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
another literary thriller fiction writer, Andrews Wilson, our pals,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
The Sandbox. That is a couple of books. But books I'm looking forward to. I'm shadowing you here on this. Shadow Heart by Meg Gardner. Anything Untitled by Chris Hoddy. He has given me a little... I use it in the gym when there aren't any free weights available because it's almost a thousand pounds. So I use it as a bench press and it's really fantastic. Um, Nick Petrie has a book called The Price You Pay. Now folks, if you haven't read, read any Nick, you gotta get on that. He's just a flat out superstar writer. Two more, two more. Greg Hurwitz, Lone Wolf. I've been wanting to talk to Greg forever. I saw him at Thriller Fest this past go and stopped him. I'm like Greg. What do I got to do to get you on the show? He said, uh, just reach out to my people babe, and I'll uh, I'll get it done. So we're doing that and finally This book just came in the mail this week debut author John Lindstrom the book is called hollywood hustle. He has a he knows a thing or two about it And as i'm as i'm as i'm looking at the cover And I've watched, I follow this guy on Twitter and Instagram, probably one of the kindest, most approachable, nicest guys he appears to be. And I made a comment to my beautiful wife here and I said, God, why does, why don't when I look at him, why do I think soap opera star? And she said,

Tammy Temple:
Hello, As the World Turns and True Detective Season 2.

David Temple:
John Lindstrom,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
he'll be.

Tammy Temple:
there could be a little starstruckness there, a little bit from the wife's side, but

David Temple:
Okay, handsome

Tammy Temple:
you know,

David Temple:
dude, Tim.

Tammy Temple:
one person who we hold up as like just a true blue good guy and

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
we're always rooting for is Jack Carr.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
had him on the show last May, you interviewed him at Bauschere Con.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I think you've read every one of his books.

David Temple:
Yeah. All four of them.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Five of them.

Tammy Temple:
follow up to the terminal list should be coming out maybe in the new year now that the writer strike has been resolved.

David Temple:
Chris Pratt. Yeah. I have such deep admiration for Jack

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
Carr. I did. He didn't make the list for whatever reason. Doesn't matter. He's a superstar. I'd read anything he's written.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
But the guy he's a good guy. He's genuine. He's approachable. He's warm. He's a marketing genius. He's got a good podcast. He's got a TV series. He's got movies. I mean, he's kind of like my idol growing up was Michael Crichton. because I loved his books and I thought if I could ever be like any author, it would either be, it would probably be Michael Crichton. And then in Jack Carr is kind of that in that scene, you know, he can kind of do it all. Uh,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
plus he served our country for decades. So I'm just, yeah, huge fan, huge fan. Well, that, that does it. I would like to wrap the show if you'd like to, as we wrap up 2023, here it is Friday, the 29th. We only have two more days until we welcome in the new year. Of course. Now tomorrow, Saturday the 30th, we celebrate our six year wedding anniversary. Man, six years of bliss with this beautiful woman.

Tammy Temple:
I know, six years,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
it's been fantastic.

David Temple:
Yeah, so I thought I would end the year with just a little something that we're both thankful for. And I'd love to start with you, if you would, just things, just something off the top of your head that you've been thankful for that happened this year that is going to catapult you into the new year of 24.

Tammy Temple:
That's a pretty heavy question because I could go down a few different rabbit holes. I'm always grateful for our life. I feel like, you know, we've grabbed the moon by the tail and we're just blessed. We have an incredible life. We have good fortune. Our families are healthy. We're like, you know. normal, luckily, situations like we are not in crisis. And I know with what's happening in our world today, just how precious our day-to-day experience is. So for that, I am always incredibly grateful for what we have and the ability to just wake up every day, wake up to you and just our whole life experience.

David Temple:
Yeah, because I'm pure joy every day, folks. Every day, pure joy.

Tammy Temple:
You are, actually.

David Temple:
Oh, you're sweet.

Tammy Temple:
I would say I'm grateful if we stick with this world that we're talking about today. I'm really grateful for this community, for you. You've developed great friendships. You've developed confidence. And you have a lot of supporters, and you have a lot of listeners who give you incredible feedback. They share your work. And... I think seeing that at BauschereCon this year, I hadn't traveled to any of the book conferences and I can just see why those conferences, BauschereCon, Thriller Fest, whatever else is out there, are really important and satisfying to your community because you all get together and you're all just sharing time and sharing space and experience in this microcosm of writers.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I'm grateful for the community that you work in.

David Temple:
Thank you for that and I agree with that. I say this to people, yeah, you wanna go to the conferences? Sure, you gonna learn a lot of stuff? Absolutely, you gonna make connections? 100%, but boy, talking about making building relationships and knowing that real business, both heartfelt business and money business is done over maybe cocktails in the lobby. And you know, Chris Hottie, I think about Chris Hottie, he's one of those guys that I met at Thriller Fest 2019. And we kind of struck up a friendship. And you know, the thing that I'm thankful for, he's kind of involved in a little bit. So this year, I didn't talk much about it because I'm trying not to make a big spotlight on it, but I was diagnosed with cancer, prostate cancer back right before BowsherCon, which was kind of a donkey punch and a surprise. And long story short, went through surgery, as some people know, and am now cancer free. So I'm very excited about that, very grateful for the time I have left. Thankful for you for supporting me and helping me through that, because it is not easy. You put that C word in a sentence and it makes you shudder, and it makes you realize how little time you got left, just kind of in general, if that were the

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
it gives perspective to running into a Matt Scott and his wife at Bauschere Con, or who's the gentleman that drove down from Tahoe. He's so supportive

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
of the

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
show. Mike,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
Michael Carlson.

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
I could go on as Steve Stratton, like meeting him for the first time. David Brown, meeting him for the first time. That whole community. So I think that's the icing on the gratitude cake of,

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
you know, you went through this pivotal experience and you come out the other side and you have this great group of people who just support you. It doesn't matter where they fall on the successful ladder. Regardless, everyone

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
is there supporting one another.

David Temple:
And that's why I brought up Chris Hottie because he was one of those guys that I told him right away. I don't know why. I guess because we're pretty close in age and he was like, dude, I'll be there right by your side,

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
whatever you need. And he was he was

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:
on the phone. Yeah. And check it on me. And Steve Stratton has become a really, really good friend. I believe in that guy. But it's the people who have just lifted me up and helped me through this time. So I just want to say thank you for that for the for the folks who do know. And now everyone knows. It does, you know, it has spawned a nonfiction book that I'll be sharing sometime in the future. And it is also because of the lessons that I've learned, some of which has to be, it has to do with how your body will react with some kind of a major surgery, is that, you know, it has spawned other interests. So there may, there is a hint of a potential another podcast maybe coming down the road. 24 we don't know but that's the room anyway, so I'm thankful that I'm mostly thankful besides the health for you for just always being such a love and Consistent and kind and beautiful

Tammy Temple:
we have a magical

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:
life and a magical relationship.

David Temple:
It's pretty good.

Tammy Temple:
And for that, I'm incredibly grateful.

David Temple:
Folks, for our listeners, for our viewers who have followed The Thriller Zone in 2023, thank you for making season both 5 and 6 so killer. If you'd like to stick around, we're going to have you at season 7, come on up in 24. If you'd like to be on the show, you can reach out to us. You can of course follow us at thethrillerzone.com. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, youtube.com slash The Thriller Zone. We're on X, Instagram. at the Thriller Zone. Haven't made TikTok yet. Facebook, I think we're also there. So we're just, Thriller Zone, of course. But we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out. You can of course hit our email, thet But we are anticipating a pretty spanky new year in 24. We got some things up our sleeve that we wanna do. You're gonna see more sit down face to face like we do with Jack Stewart and Steve Stratton. Hopefully we'll be able to do more traveling. We're gonna come see you where you are, author friend, and sit down with you and see what your life is about and what kind of books you're writing. So a lot of good things to stay in tune for. Any closing comments, Charlie?

Tammy Temple:
I think I've said all I need to say.

David Temple:
Alright, so folks make it a great remainder tail end of your holiday kick off the new year be safe Enjoy your time. Keep your family close Happy new year And we'll see you in the new year For another edition of the thriller zone Hop.

Tammy Temple:
Nice, babe.

David Temple:
There you go.

Tammy Temple:

David Temple:

Tammy Temple:

The Dave & Tammy Year End Extravaganza
Broadcast by